Pearl SensiTone Heritage STH1465BR 14"x6.5" messinki virvelirumpu

Alennettu hinta625,00€
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Pearl SensiTone Heritage 14"x6.5" taottu 1mm paksu messinkirunko, musta nikkeli viimeistely, SuperHoopII 10-reikäiset vanteet, SR-017 mattokoneisto, CL Bridge lugit, Remo Ambassador kalvot


Pearl 14"x6,5" Sensitone Brass Snare, Sensitone Heritage Alloy Series, 1mm beaded brass shell, Black nickel finish, Superhoop II hoops (10 holes), SR017 snare strainer, CL-Bridge lugs, Remo Ambassador heads, Sound: perfect blend of attack and brassy body

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